B - 1st Regiment U.S.S.S.
(United States Sharp Shooters)

Sharpshooter Monument Pitzer's Woods, Gettysburg
July 2024: Unfortunately the Living History
group, Co. B 1st Regt USSS no longer exits..
Covid, cost, politics and lack of interest
seems to be the main cause of Co.B being disbanded.
Co. B 1st Regt USSS was part of the USV
Sharpshooter Battalion
which has also been disbanded.
Below is the 2015 USV Sharpshooter Battalion

Co. B 1st Regt. USSS Facebook page
- Welcome to one of the most interesting, enjoyable
and educational hobbies of today, you will be honoring and paying tribute to the many
brave men who fought for what they believed in, be
it Union or Confederate. As a re-enactor you will not only show people how these men
fought in battle, you will also bring their stories and hardships to life in Living
History Programs. You will march in parades honoring these men long gone, and be one of
the watchdogs in restoring and preserving the many monuments dedicated in their memory.
- As a member
of Company "B", 1st Regiment, U.S. Sharpshooters, you will be participating in
all of these activities and more (living history events, reenactments, annual dinners,
group trips to historical sites, possibly even a wedding,
etc.). Our membership prides themselves on a
common bond of friendship and camaraderie, both on and off the field.
A brief history of our unique group.
- Organized in January 1986,
consisting of members from all walks of life, all sharing a common interest, the American
Civil War and the men who fought it. We strive to honor the men who fought
and those whose lost their life, by bringing
history to life. The founding members came from existing re-enactment units and wanted to portray something different, an elite unit, the U.S. Sharpshooter
Regiment. From the very beginning it was decided to portray
this unique and very misunderstood Regiment. Even today many people, both in
and out of the re-enacting community, still do not understand the service these men
performed. Our goal, is to educate everyone interested in learning about the
Berdan Sharpshooters.
- Just
like the original Sharpshooters, our members are geographically dispersed,
coming from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. At some of the larger events
through the season, we have a chance to join with other Berdan Sharpshooter companies from
across the country, meeting and making new friends with the same interest as ours.
- For Many years
now, Company "B" has also been a member of a much larger organization called the
United States Volunteers (U.S.V.).
This organization unites many smaller groups into a brigade for all of the larger events
we attend. Within the U.S.V. we are designated as a rifle company assigned to
Brigade Headquarters, falling under the direct command of the senior officer of the
brigade. At most of these events, our unit is used as advance skirmishers or flankers for
the brigade. (a very active and physically challenging chore).
We also
participate in non-spectator events called Tacticals, which may involve a multi-day running battle
scenario. At these more hard-core events, the men must carry everything that
they will need, allowing them to have a more realistic experience of how a Civil War soldier had to live from day to day.
- As I
mentioned earlier, our unit prides itself on our bond of friendship &
camaraderie, which extends to the families of our members.

Company B Command Staff 2014
L to R - Corporal Scott Simmons - Captain Ben Bosley -Color Guard Jeff
Simmons - 1st Sgt Tom Feeney
interested in becoming a member.
- First, all prospective members must be willing to portray as
authentically as possible, the common soldier of the Civil War. He must be over the age of
sixteen years, and be willing to outfit himself in the regulation uniform of the Berdan
Sharpshooters, and be equipped with all of the accoutrements.
- To become a Sharpshooter you must consider three elements
that are very important. They are Research, Time
and Money.
- Research - The study of every fact
and even the questionable information about the "Sharpshooters". Analyzing their
fighting tactics, visiting the fields they fought over and camped on.
- Time - You must give time to the
hobby by active participation with your fellow Sharpshooters.
Money - Assuming you
are new to the hobby, the following items are needed to properly outfit yourself as a
"Berdan Sharpshooter". You will be given adequate time to acquire these items,
and many of our members will loan extra items to new members until they can obtain their
own. Cost and quality varies, you should discuss with active members where to purchase the items needed.
Co. B Staff
1st Sgt. Tom Feeney - Capt. Ben Bosley
Minimum needed to take to the
Forage Cap - green wool
- Frockcoat w/black buttons
- green wool
Trouser - green or sky blue
Brogans - 1860 shoes
Shirt - 1860 style
Suspenders - 1860 style
Waist Belt - model 1855 w/ US buckle
Cartridge Box - m/1855 .58 cal. w/tins
Cap Box -
model 1855
Canteen - tin or stainless steel
Eating Utensils - tin cup, plate, knife, fork, spoon
- Haversack - tarred
Blanket - regulation wool
Poncho/Gum Blanket - rubber blanket
Sharps Rifle - 3 band military m/1859 with doubleset
- Unique
Sharpshooter items that can be acquired as time and money permits:
Gaiters - brown
leather knee high
Mess Kit -
sharpshooter style
Sharpshooter Backpack -
hair covered
Sharps Cartridge Box -
with wooden inserts
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