Company B   1st Regiment (New York)
Unites States Sharp Shooters

From Capt. C. A. Stevens book: Berdan's United States Sharpshooters in the Army of the Potomac

Albert, George Baily, John Bateman, Lyman
Andrews, George Barber, George Beebe, Edwin
Austin, Philando Barton, Daniel Bennett, Richard
Atwell, Samuel Barton, David Berner, Charles H.
Babton, David B. Barton, John Bills, Lewis J.
Balcker, William Gill, Mathew Penfater, Daniel
Blackman, Enerst Gillen, William Phelps, Alonzo
Bogert, Charles Gleason, John Phincle, Levi J.
Bogert, Robert Gotham, John M. Pierce, Thomas
Boyce, Lewis Graves, Charles Pullman, Byron D.
Brady, Patrick Griswold, George Pullman, Cornelius
Brown, Seth Gregory, Abram Pullman, Douglas
Bunn, Smith Gulinano, Charles H. Putnam, George
Burdick, Herbert Haden, Thadeus Rarrick, Russell
Byers, James Havens, Eugene Reynolds, John W.
Carpente, Frederick Hanlon, Martin Rector, Nelson
Campbell, George Harris, William H. Reupel, Robert
Carey, Thomas Hinkley, Ariel Roark, Michael
Case, Abram Horn, Henry L. Roberts, Elijah
Case, Gordon Hudson, Thadeus Robinson, James E.
Chidsey, John Wilson Huie, William J. Russell, Robert
Clark, Benjamin James, Thomas Sands, Philip
Coates, John Jenkins, John Seavy, William H. H.
Conklin, Henry Johnson, Frederick Semkey, William
Connoly, David Joubin, Henry Simmons, William
Conner, Thomas Joyce, Patrick Sims, Daniel
Culver, Wright Kelley, James Smith, John
Dailey, Peter Kelley, George A. Smith, Thomas
Delong, Harrison Kelly, Samuel Synder, Francis
Densmore, James Kenny, John Stapelton, William
Donelly, Charles Kinny, William Stephens, Martin
Dougherty, Edward Kirtland, William Stoakes, Joseph
Downing, Geroge H. LaGrange, Abram Southwell, Albert
Drake, James Leward, Horace Sweet, Charles
Draper, Gideon Leward, James Tappan, John
Duncan, James Linton, George Thompson, Charles
Dunn, Edward Louis, Peter Toole, John
Dupont, Alexander Loveridge, Clynton Townsend, Benjamin
Dutcher, Charles McCaffrey, John Trask, Ira
Eberhard, Lewis McCallin, Stephen Trist, Richard
Elmendrf, William McCauley, John Tunnard, Robert
Elwood, Franklin McGraw, Francis Vanderbogart, Daniel
Feely, James McGraw, Laurence Voorhees, Alonzo
Fillbrooks, David McGuiness, Michael Warner, Benjamin
Fillbrooks, John McManus, James Warner, James
Fitzgerald, Williams McNaughton, Alexander Watson, John
Fitzsimmons, John McNeal, John M. Webster, Charles
Follett, Beeman McNeal, Sidney Wells, Frank
Foster, Richard Mahoney, Joseph Wentworth, Nathaniel
Fralick, Benjamin Marr, Joseph White, Andrew
Fralick, Harrison Marshall, Thomas Wiley, James
France, Alexander Morgan, Matthew Williams, Henry
Frask, Ora Murphy, Henry Willoughby, Henry
Frazier, Henry Nash, William H. Wison, John
Gage, Lewis Neuman, Morris Wilsom, Theodore
Gannon, David D. Newberry, Jason Winne, Burna
Gannon, George H. Parish, Francis J. Wright, Rufus
Gannon, Jon S. Parish, Jonas Young, Robert
Gay, Albert Parker, William  
Gibbs, Samuel Paynter, David